Nice 3D-Gallery to download - 3D Web-Development

You don’t always have the right 3D-Model right now? Or you just want to show some images a little more effectively on your website? Then how about a small 3D-Gallery for eight images each like these in the Canvasio3D window, which you can download here?

3D-Gallery for you Website – Nothing easier than that!

  • Install the free plugin Canvasio3D Light on your WordPress website
  • Download this Zip-File: Simple 3D-Gallery
  • Unpack the Zip-File after download
  • Take eight of your own pictures with the .png Image format
  • Name this Images: 1024_1024_1 … 1024_1024_2.png and so on
  • Copy and overwrite the Images to the unzipped folder: “Simple_3D-Gallery”
  • Then pack this folder as Zip-File
  • And last, upload the Zip-File with Canvasio3D

Your Images should have the same pixel size for X and Y like:
width(x): 800px and height(y): 800px.

The Canvasio3D values for this demo 3D-Window are:
width 100%, hight 480px, size 0.9, down -0.7 and auto rotate on.